Transparency Series - Congo Umoja - Part 2

Transparency Series - Congo Umoja - Part 2

Transparency Series - Congo Umoja

Since the inception of Anchor Coffee, we have strived for equitable sourcing practices. Lifting up the farmers is at the core of our roasting operations mission, So when we connected with Mighty Peace Coffee, we knew that we had found a great sourcing partner to further that mission. Mighty Peace coffee is a fully integrated social impact coffee company that provides us with the highest quality specialty coffee from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Partnering with them gives us the opportunity to not only share amazing coffees, but to share stories of Congolese farmers to inspire human connection, and to break the cycle of poverty and conflict through economic transformation and advocacy. You can find more at

Buy a bag and support our partnership with Mighty Peace. 

UmojaSeries#2 from Mighty Peace Coffee on Vimeo.

 "The money allows me to study, buy clothes, pay debts and satisfy other needs.” - Ms. Furaya Zahinda

By joining the #PeaceTrade, YOU are one with over 11,600 Congolese cooperative members across 21 sectors. This unity is bringing together businesses, coffee lovers, and civil society organizations worldwide to create an economic transformation in conflict coffee growing regions. As a #PeaceTribe member, you are directly contributing to peace and unity on a global scale! #PeaceWithEverySip ☕💜🌎

About Umoja

Red Bourbon Heirloom
Milling Process: Dried fermentation for 12 hours, fermentation in water for 12 hours, soak for 12 hours
Processing Method: Fully-washed